Monday, September 23, 2013

Bryan Cranston channels LBJ

I was lucky enough to get tickets ahead of time to the ART's production of "All The Way" on it's second night in Cambridge.  For a three hour production, I can honestly say I was riveted the entire time.  Cranston is barely recognizable, so effectively does he inhabit LBJ's persona.

LBJ is the first president that I remember growing up, and Cranston performs him admirably, his accent is very good, and his portrayal of LBJ's mannerisms and down-home crudeness is remarkably on-target.

From a historical standpoint, it's fascinating to watch a master of negotiation deal with Congress and other national leaders during his first year in office, focusing on the Civil Rights Act of 1964.

Currently the show is sold out, with standing room only tickets available, and there is talk of this show moving on to Broadway.  It's that good.  Fascinating history, remarkable performances.

Boston Globe review here. BostonInno preview here. Boston Inno review here.

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